My name is Yannik, I am 35 years old and i started my little #3dprinting passion during my studies in “economics and engineering” in 05.2018. I started with an Anycubic I3 Mega (FDM) Machine and #resin printing in 08.2019.
During that time I added and tested a lot of different machines… from the Anycubic Predator (a huge delta FDM printer), both Eryone Thinker FDM machines to a lot of different resin printers (Phrozen Sonic Mini, Photon Zero / Original / Mono / Mono SE / Mono X).
(note: not all printers are still in my little workshop… some just had to leave for specific reasons)
I’m proud to show my personal favourite projects to my 12k followers on instagram:

(picture showing “Hellboy Bust by Johnny Belmont with eryone color mixing resin)
On my original photons i was always looking for some faster resin, because the (now) old screens just take long exposure times so i was interetes in testing eryone resin which i mostly print @7-8s and 0,03mm layerheight (8-9s on 0,05… but this really rare used because i love ULTRA details)
Because of being a painting noob (but enthusiast) and mostly running out of time for some coloring sessions, i started to just print my mini parts in different colors, to let them look more finished when not being painted at all.
So I really like the fact, that eryone standard resin colors all need the exact same exposure time, which makes it perfect for mixing certain colors or just dropping the rest into the same bottle and always having some spare resin left without any need of finding specific exposure times again.
Eryone describes his resin as “low odor” and i have to admit that I was very pessimistic about that, because I tried a lot of “low odor” resins from other brands and most of them were lying (or just not able to smell). Eryone Resin has really a low odor which can be compared with other eco / plantbased products. *thumbs up*

I printed several other miniatures with different mixtures of resin, which are shown in the following pics. All models are from “titan forge miniatures” and printed at 0,03mm layerheight and 8s NE / 60s BE on my original photon. These miniatures are offered presupported and some of them have really ultra thin supports where your exposure settings shall be on point. Reducing lift speed on your printers is also a main goal to achieve nice results without bending parts or missing sections:

In general, I am very satisfied by eryone standard resin with its low exposure times, low odor and the high achievable details.
So if you are like me and having not much time to paint your prints (or just pretending to have no skill) the color mixing resin is worth a shot.